The Team

The Team
Can't Be Tamed

Thursday, 3 November 2011

The start of our journey . . .

Well, it has been two whole months since we have started our planning for the trip! We have everything booked and paid for except for one last check which will be mailed out ASAP. We will be heading to Haiti on the 1st of January and we will be staying there until the 26th, the whole time we will be staying at GLA (God's Littlest Angels) orphanage. The main purpose as to why we are going is to be nannies for the month and to help out where ever we are needed. Unlike the other teams who will be traveling to different spots throughout their trip, we will be staying at the orphanage the entire time.
January is only 2 months away and we have lots of things that need prayer for, so if you feel like you could take on some extra prayer requests please do!

Prayer Points for our team:
  • That we can bond as a team!
  • That we will make all the flights (we have very little time to switch planes when we land at LAX and Miami, and they are both large airports, prayer that we find the right terminal easily!)
  • That we can put our own needs behind us when we are there. 
  • That we have servant hearts and focus on the kids there.

Prayer Points for the orphanage(taken from
  • Pray for the babies that are in need of nutritional help that God would show them where to come.
  • Pray that God will connect us with parents that are interested in adopting children with special needs as well as older children.
  • Pray that God will provide us with volunteers that are willing to come to Haiti to help us minister to the children of Haiti - and that He will reveal to you if you should volunteer with us.
  • Pray that adoptions would start moving smoothly again and that passports would be issued quickly so adopted children can go home to be with their Forever Families.
  • Pray that God will direct people to be willing to give donations to cover our financial commitments for rent, medical and living costs.
  • Pray for our volunteers. Pray specifically that the experience will enrich them and that they will remain healthy during their stay with us.
  • Pray for the babies and their health needs.
  • Pray for John and Dixie and the other staff at the nursery and toddler house that God would keep them in good health.
  • Pray for our transportation needs and safety while we do His work. Pray that God will continue to watch over the mission and protect us from evil.
  • Pray that the Haitian government will open the way for further expansion of GLA's ministries.
  • Pray for our building project - that God will give us the wisdom to make wise decisions about all aspects of the project.